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MVQUICKAL is installed as an interface between the battery and the device to power.
normal operation, the battery powers the camera and MVQUICKAL monitors
the battery for an immediate takeover in case of need.
When the battery is removed or when
it becomes empty (with voltage below 13V) MVQUICKAL provides instantaneous
power to the camera without any interruption.
As soon as MVQUICKAL starts to operate, the LEDs light up indicating the state of the available internal power.
In case of emergency, MVQUICKAL can even be used as a stand alone power source (21Wh available when fully charged).
It provides around 8~10 minutes of further runtime even in use with power hungry devices.
During all this time the LEDs remain lit.
When a new battery is installed
(with battery voltage > 14V), MVQUICKAL turns off automatically leaving
the battery to power the device.
The energy lost by MVQUICKAL to
sustain the camera during the battery swap operation is automatically
and silently replenished from the fresh battery without affecting the
operation. This process allows unlimited hot-swap operations and
practically a continuous power source.
In case of need, MVQUICKAL can be quickly charged with the provided charger unit.